Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summertime is Pooltime

Summer is a season well known for being warm, if not downright hot. Not to mention hot and sticky! Is there a better way to cool off a midsummer day than to find a pool?

I doubt it, so we packed up our towels and snacks, and went in search of the DCR pool on Rindge Ave in Cambridge. The Rindge Ave pool is a little further away than the Dilboy Pool, on Alewife Pkwy. However Rindge Ave is an easier ride along the Community Path from Davis Sqr.

As always, the ride along the Community Path from Davis Sq. towards the Alewife Station was pleasant.

I enjoy looking at the community gardens along the way. The exclamation humored me.

The bike ride alone made for a more refreshing and cooler day.

But, the pool was our destination, so we jumped right in.

I must say, the Rindge Ave pool is very nice. It has shallow and deep areas (12' deep), great for kids of many ages. The pool is large enough to not feel too crowded, even though there were many swimmers. There is plenty of space around the pool to sit about. The far side of the pool even has a small lawn.

My only gripe with the pool is the lack of bike racks, but we made do by locking to the large chain.

An hour at the pool definitely made this summer day a bit cooler. And to round off a perfect ride, we met a few children selling lemonade. Very refreshing!

If you come across a particularly hot summer day, I would recommend visiting one of the many DCR community pools. There are quite a few around and you can find a list at the following website:

The Rindge Ave pool (named the McCrehan Memorial Pool) is conveniently located on the Community Path adjacent to Russell Field near the Alewife Station.

The Dilboy Pool on Alewife Parkway is adjacent to the Dilboy Stadium in Somerville. And will become more accessible once the Alewife bike path, currently under construction, is finished. Plus, they have bike racks.

The Veterans Memorial Pool at Magazine Beach is another option. This pool is particularly convenient to those living closer to downtown. It is right on the Charles River Bike Path - on the Cambridge side - just upstream of the BU bridge.

I hope you all enjoy your summer and stay cool.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a great day! the lemonade seems like a perfect finale.

    we've biked to the rindge ave pool before (locking the bikes to the chain-link fence), but mostly we drive now :-(. the 3-ft section is perfect for my kids, so that's where we can usually be found :-). i have to say, though, that on really hot days, the rindge ave pool can get really crowded!
